Contemporary Polytheism

(Redirected from Modern practitioners)

Contemporary Polytheism, is either the revival of extinct polytheistic traditions – also called Neo-Paganism or simply Paganism – or a larger umbrella term that may include other religions, such as Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. However, since ‘polytheism’ is a divisive term, there are few communities whose members uniformly self-identify as polytheists. This is true not only of Hindus or Zoroastrians, but also contemporary pagans, not all of whom see themselves as polytheists. Conversely, not all self-described polytheists accept being called pagan.

On SARTRIX, ‘pagan’ and ‘polytheist’ are used more or less synonymously in reference to ancient people, and their ideas and practices, but the preferred term for contemporary adherents is simply ‘practitioners’.